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CRSLS, MIS Case Reports from SLS, launched in November 2014, is dedicated to the publication of Case Reports in the field of minimally invasive surgery. Case Reports are submitted through the JSLS, the Journal of the Society of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeons submission system and all Case Reports undergo the same rigorous peer review process, as do all articles submitted to JSLS. This publication is 100% Open Access and Contains No Advertising.
Also, as with JSLS, all Case Reports are analyzed at the time of submission by iThenticate plagiarism software. A selected few Case Reports are chosen for inclusion in JSLS and others selected for publication are chosen for publication in CRSLS.
CRSLS is 100% open access and fully citable, which ensures access by all and increases readership and engagement with the medical community’s important work. Open access encourages use by students, educators, policy makers and the public.
Articles accepted for publication in CRSLS will be published on a rolling basis so there is no need to wait for a particular month or issue. This means that your Case Report will be published more quickly than if it were published in a print journal and means that surgeons and others involved in MIS have quicker access to your research and work.
Michael S. Kavic, MD, is the Editor-in-Chief of CRSLS, just as he is the Editor-in-Chief of JSLS. Under his capable editorial leadership, CRSLS will become recognized around the world as the leading Online MIS Case Report publication.
Welcome to this new online experience!