Mesenteric Fibromatosis of the Small Bowel Mesentery After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Yanira Perez, MD, MIS Fellow, John D. Webber, MD, FACS, David Edelman, MD, FACS
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA (all authors).
Mesenteric fibromatosis poses a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. We report a case of giant cell mesenteric fibromatosis tumor arising from the mesentery of the small intestine in a patient two years after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. A 47-year-old African-American female presented as a transfer from an outside institution with a large abdominal mass that was initially diagnosed as an intraabdominal cyst on computed tomography scan. The tumor was successfully excised surgically and the diagnosis of mesenteric fibromatosis tumor was confirmed on immunohistochemical analysis. To our knowledge, this is the only reported case of mesenteric fibromatosis tumor arising from the jejunojejunostomy anastomosis of the small bowel mesentery after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery to treat morbid obesity.
Key Words: Mesenteric fibromatosis, Small bowel mesentery, Gastric bypass.