Laparoscopic Cystogastrostomy in Pancreatic Pseudocyst with Minimal Invasion and Early Outcome

Mahim Koshariya, MS, Sameer Ahmed, MS, Kunal Vinayak

Department of Surgery, Gandhi Medical College and Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal, India (Drs Koshariya, Ahmed, and Vinayak)


Introduction: Pancreatic pseudocyst is a well circumscribed fluid collection, enclosed by a wall of inflammatory and fibrous tissue, arising in or adjacent to the pancreas. Pancreatic pseudocysts may occur after an episode of acute or chronic pancreatitis and in cases of pancreatic trauma. Available interventions include percutaneous, endoscopic or surgical approaches. Laparoscopy plays an important role in the management.

Case Description: Here we report a case of pseudocyst in a 30-year-old man which was successfully managed laparoscopically with good outcome.

Discussion: Small asymptomatic pseudocysts are known to regress spontaneously. Symptomatic, large or complicated pseudocysts need intervention. Laparoscopy has contributed immensely in the management of pseudocysts. It is associated with shorter hospital stay and fewer complications than traditional open methods.

Conclusion: Laparoscopic technique for drainage of pseudocysts at our hospital shows that this approach is feasible, safe and effective in the presence of trained surgeons. There is an added advantage of minimal morbidity and early discharge.

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