Day-Case Laparoscopic Management of a Spontaneous Cholecystocutaneous Fistula

Peter M. Thomson, MBChB, George Moussa, MBChB, Sophie Maxwell, MBChB, Chaminda Sellahewa, FRCS

Department of General Surgery, Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley, West Midlands, UK (all authors).


Background: Cholecystocutaneous fistula is a rare complication of chronic gallstone disease. We present a case of cholecystocutaneous fistula successfully managed with day-case laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Case Outline: An 80-year-old man initially presented with acute biliary sepsis, was treated conservatively, and later developed a right upper quadrant swelling in keeping with an abscess. He re-presented with bilious drainage from the old wound site.

Results: A sinogram demonstrated a cholecystocutaneous fistula. Day-case laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed, and the fibrous tract was divided.

Discussion: This rarely seen condition can be safely managed, in suitable patients, as a day-case procedure.

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